Miyerkules, Enero 13, 2010

Tea in a glass with milk

(above a picture of my favorite movie, Oldboy)
Just came from gym working my ass off literally but I hunger for chocolate. ARGH.

Me and my mom went to the university entrance information.. thingie yesterday.
Everybody tells how challenging it's to get into medical school ( they take 20% of who applies), but to study psychology they take only 3,97% or to study fashion less than 7% ...
I have goals to acchieve and 38points of 210 because of my laudatur in psychology but -- more reading ... for a couple years IF I get in.. *sigh* but then I need to focus on why it's so important to complete my studies. ( Usually I think of my dad and his childhood - that's a good ass kicker)
Among behaviourscience and fashion studying, 3D animation and anything related to animations would be fun too.. Sad all of those wont fit under one roof.

I'm an average student - but nowadays I have been feeling like a swor especially in english and math course 5 ... Wtf for those continual moments for akward silence after someone asks something stupid! ( there's no stupid questions only stupid people asking)

.. now mentioning that, I do feel free to ask details and almoust act stupid ( or I just feel like one ) with a guy whom with I been lately spent time. He didn't even finish highschool - which makes his source of common knowledge more interesting. For example he reads cognition sciences just for fun!
you'll just rip their last remains of manlyhood!
after few experience with boys, I think manlyhood is better found from between your ears than in pants.
I rather chat with a male person hoooours about - snow and about neurobilogy than.. have sex with a hyped cock ( nani, was it attached to something?)..which will disappoint me and wont teach me anything but "Don't listen to the oppinion of demoscene guys about.. sizes"
I CAN HAS Revy attitude towards sex: I wont benefit, why bother

As my man hate is soaring - this one guy is getting more cooler in my eyes day by day!
I could claim that the reason for why we come along so well is INTERNETS.
First, we get known thru IRC - cool and lots of things in common!
2nd, as I was in a phase where I saw in every male person the most retarded living creature ever which needed a mother - he comes around and saves the man image!
Also he reminds me of Timo which calms me and I can't think anything else than "cooolcoolcooolcoolcoolcoolcool!"
Then okay I fed him pizza, ( BUT I'm a teenager that's normal to me..) but he took me to a nepalese FOR LUNCH, geeeee.. cool.

Then age difference.. I think it's not a issue anymore, but dunno if there's still something twisted. Well hell does anyone care as long it's legal? ...and as long the other one isn't a total conservative ( cough like usually) Dunno is it classified as abnormal like, a fetish!.. or is it normal but I just go to the extreme?
Maybe I just like intelligent people! n_______n

I got the latex/rubber Man laugh.
Wood strawberry joghurt is the best!
I want a iPhone.

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