Martes, Pebrero 23, 2010


It keeps snowing - which is kinda nice, this is amount of snow is unbelievable already! :D
picture above is my parent's backyard - and yes that fence is about 140cm high..
I'm pretty bored and the fact that I should be spending time between school books doesn't inspire me. Heh, bought weeks ago Der Mond btw.
Yesterday I bought this funny steamer to make baozi (steamed buns)
They came out pretty cute :3 tried two different types of looks.. I like the more round one as the other one just looks nasty... - well practice makes perfect.

There is a "sexuality on silverscreen" theme going in a nice old movie theater, Orion and planning to go watch following ones:
The Pillow Book 3.3
Akasen tamanoi: nukeraremasu 6.4
Pinku Eiga *lecture* 9.4

Now I'm just tired so I start watching Love and pop for the 34567th time.. and probably fall asleep :3

Tommorrow mr. iPhone is going to spend with me over 24h :oooooooo <3

1 komento:

Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Opeta mutki tekeen Baozeja?!?!? O.O