Sabado, Mayo 02, 2009

I ask him nicely if he wants a cup of tea

Hate when it gets political in artgroups
When asked I'll awnser that I like United States and communism - too annoying, and thats what makes me interesting. I dont know much of politics - hell they would know that, I like U.S cause they have invented good foods and South has the most friendly people and communism.. I love their propaganda posters!

^ Found a new favorite painter and illustrator - He has works around the world: in New York and South Korea, some contemporary art LOVE.
Again having the feeling that I'm the only one in the whole world that doesn't care ab responsability not cause I'm trying to avoid it or smth but cause we don't need to be so serious all the time.

Yes, I go early to sleep, I work go to school and care of my looks, doing what I have to. That's it.
Then I'll start dreaming - New York and Tokyo's capsule hotels.
What do I want to do in NY? eat hotdogs. In Tokyo I surely want to cross the district of Shibuya.
Guess I enjoy alot smaller things than most of the people? ... Why so serious

I haven't liked company - have prefered more dreaming and can't really share them with anyone. Tried - but I know Aleksi wont come with me to Tokyo, like he is not coming to Phillipines either. Things simply dont come ready in front of you...

we had a long chat with mom about ..things and I even showed her the backside of my english course book x) which is full of "Mrs. Nicole *****<3" She lolled.
And everytime when I brainwash myself in things like "I was just 1 of his 1000" or " i know im too young to him and it will never work and im stupid *more low self esteem crap*" - then he appears in some shape of somewhere. Sms. What. No. Ah...
this is not good.
I'm 18 and since the age of 14 my every day sms have dropped to 50 % of those days. In 30's it would be way more less.. like dropped to 0,12% of what it was in 2004. SO: you wont ever know how does it feel, when believing he has forgot totally about you "cause that's the best thing to do right now bla bla" - then he'll come with some cute msg back which shouldn't be taken so serious - but well I'm reading it!

Stop. Or don't. Sounds corny but you are making me crazy.
And other cruel fact.. when ill reach the sole of U.S - sure you'll have already a own family.
Maybe good so - need to concentrate in school

No.No. I'm just turning 19. I need to fashion-blog, drive my license, paint, be drunk and be silly and vainglorious.
But. Those arms big hands and that neck.

Please someone hit my head hard*now*

ps. It doesnät feel good when someone tries to say what is wrong or right for me, or someone equal with me telling what to do.
I want to do music. You just want to do .. something.

pppppppppppppppppppps. english tutoring would be nice .. inglishu isnt accepted in finals .__.

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