Linggo, Pebrero 15, 2009

My apartment

I moved into Puolarmetsä, Espoo (from central Helsinki, Kamppi 20min w/bus) at October. Here's a picture of the 3rd florr hall and my door. Stickers say "live pets inside", "plz no advertisements and freepapers" then my names.

So this is a single room apartment 33m^2 (with the balcony ~39m^2) So this is the place where I spend most of the day. I guess the glasstable has been in use of a former finnish president Kekkonen and the chairs too got then throw an inheritance. There's American Cheerleader, school books, calendar, drawing equipment, snacks and my laptop!

This is a collage in the wall - some favorite things :3 Like fashion pictures, asian vision, cheerleading, friends, colors, cards, Kipi, relatives etc.

This is my bathroom and the picture with the mines-sign (under) is at it's door. Yes I have the collective Polynesian Barbie, and the deer is a toohtpaste and brush holder, visible also the mushroom vibrator Sini brought from Tokyo :DDDD. Trainspotting poster, ghettoblaster bag for makeup and hairdryer, lawalamp and my signing washing machine n___n

Theese are from the entrance. Avril Lavigne poster on the entrance door, also the "Suojaa pääsi!" [ protect your head!] and my favorite hats. The sight from the door to the apartment. Then my jackets and winter shoes and few sneakers and my longboard.

So this is kinda the "living room" - table in the center. At left the partition to my "bedroom".
And my sofa with few of the plush toys I sooooo love<3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">

Here is the balcony view and the smoking corner of it ( I do not smoke, but my friends do smoke) Kuki-cat ashtray ;D and pickachu as just a decoration. Also there is a yellow sofa in the balcny, guess it will get thrown away. And at the windowsill I have a beanie baby brought from the States, Rilakkumas lil bear, lucky cat and Reed's beer.

This is my kitchen corner. Well - there is cute cans, a picture of Pippi and her monkey, Hello Kitty and cheerleading pictures. I'm also a friend of Klaus Haapaniemi's work so I have his dishes and jars.

More details of the collage and a line of my shoes

Books, figures and a award on a bookshelf

The bookshelf, and a empty frame ( i'll insert a painting there soon) My Alice cosplay, my computer project, cd-player, sizha, jewellery , speakers and a retro-radio :P

Books and things on a cabinnet. Books, wallet, filmcamera, dvd:s, figures, money jar

And here is the corner where I sleep. There is hanging a Viktor & Rolfshirt ( I idol them so badly!!) Lamp by Alvar Aalto. A whip, collar and latexgloves as decoration, then my Hellokitty alarmclock ^^

1 komento:

Hindi-nagpakilala ayon kay ...

Ah I see you have a good taste in Cameras, too. Am myself a Nikon-head (F65 and D80) ;)