Sabado, Setyembre 05, 2009

whos' your daddy

Just came from work and dyeing my hair to be cotton candy pink :P See what happends...
Below a picture from the cutest sleeper ever, Didi<3
Above, I'm not the only one in this family who likes Hello Kitty. When I visited my parents place my mom had customized the mirror with Hello Kitty stickers :D This is my common view while staying at Naali's place. His DVDs, his neck in a collared shirt and *datdatdtadtatdtatwindowsdatadatdatdaadadad*
This week hasn't been so different, school, studying to finals and sleeping at Kulosaari.
Though we went to Koto ( in Kalevankatu) with Sini and this is what we ate <3

We have cooked alot begetables and some very exotic stuff with Naali :P
Like in this one: it's chicken in coconut flakes and we made some bananarice with it ^____^<3

Currently, when I have had money - I spent it to eating and spoiling myself with imported treats ( And yes I already changed some dollars<3 cute money btw!)
I don't like much the original pockys but wanted to try theese ones! Haven't opened them yet, I'll wait Naali to come back :3
I bought some cup noodles, though this is more "plate"noodle, it was so funny and gigantic I had to take couple of them :DD
Instant miso they taste *pk*
Then i had to try the take-away sushi in the railway station which Tazze told me being ok - it was <3 Yes I *LOVE* Inaris, and anything with avocado - like in this avocado rolls

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